What's New, What's Hot in Digital Marketing
Thousand of the world’s smartest marketers descend on San Diego to learn what’s new, what’s hot, and what’s actually working right now in digital marketing.
In September our co-founder, Peggy O’Flaherty attended the Traffic and Conversion conference in San Diego.
Thousand of the world’s smartest marketers descend on San Diego to learn what’s new, what’s hot, and what’s actually working right now in digital marketing.
Peggy shared that during the opening session the audience was surveyed on what’s working in digital and the following marketing tactics were highlighted; short-form videos, email marketing, and youtube ads. What the audience commented isn’t working right now is Facebook and Instagram Ads, One-touch conversion, and organic social.
Over the three-day working sessions, O’Flaherty was most highly involved in the discussions on push and pull marketing. Mavely works closely with brands to complement their overall marketing and customer acquisition strategy. Traditionally, brands are effective in push marketing, also known as outbound marketing. Brands capitalize on push marketing through press releases and email marketing. Yet with less retail space and the rise of DTC and e-commerce, brands are losing traction quickly. In addition, brands are spending money on social media ads that are not scalable.
Business Insider said, “Push and pull marketing complement one another. Your business needs a mix of push and pull marketing for a truly comprehensive marketing strategy.” That is where Mavely comes into play. The Mavely platform offers both campaigns and affiliate marketing. Our community of everyday influencers is curated, authentic, and diverse. Brands such as Mint Mobile, Jerome Alexander, and Jane have all worked with Mavely and their everyday influencers to pull in more awareness, user-generated content, and drive conversion.
Contact us to learn more about how Mavely can optimize your overall marketing strategy with pull marketing and request our case studies.